I can't be the only one, but why does it seem that my best thinking is done when I'm most incapacitated? No, I don't mean drunk or otherwise intoxicated. When I lay in bed at night, all cuddled in and cozier than a pig in mud, my body falls asleep before my brain does. Incapacitated. Without fail, I then proceed to come up with the most brilliant ideas! They could be anything, the answer to a dilemma I've been chewing on, or the perfect start to a story I could write. Regardless of what it is, I can guarantee you one thing..... Come morning it'll be gone. Not erased as if it never happened. Worse. I can remember that I had something, fleeting images of genius, shadows. Like a tease, but I just am unable to get it back. Sometimes when I lay in bed, neurons firing, I know that this is going to happen to me come morning. I begin to repeat over and over in my head what I've created so that this time will be different. This time, when I wake up I will remember it all. NOT. Although I'm starting to wonder if maybe, maybe it isn't the deep, unconscious sleep that erases these thoughts at all but the evil alarm clock that pulls me from my dreams in the morning.
It's now finally 5am, and I have a little baby furball trying desperately to cuddle into my side and snooze. I'm thinking perhaps a blanket and pillow on this nice carpet would be a pleasant invitation for her slumber.

Live Curiously!
I hope everyone has a fantastic day today, and I have a feeling it might be the perfect day to buy some fresh flowers.
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