I have a quirky pastime I've decided to share. It's not something I always do, just whenever the mood strikes me. It requires a catalogue of any sort and a pen, preferably blue. Usually, this will be a Sears catalogue, or LL Bean, or MEC. I sit down, hopefully with a cup of tea, in front of a movie or good tv show, maybe the news. Then I proceed to go through the entire catalogue, front to back, circling or starring any item that I would like to buy. I always say that this way, if I ever win the lotto, I will know what to go ahead and order. The irony is, if I win the lotto I'm sure that I will still be able to tell you what I do and don't like. Perhaps it's a way of dreaming, imagining that money is no option and I can just select items at will for myself.
There's a decent chance this might be leftover from a task my mom used to have us do as children, every Christmas. The Sears Wishbook would arrive in the mail and mom used to select a color pen/marker for each kid. We had to go through the book and circle anything that we would like to have. Now mom would make clear, that doesn't mean you're going to get the item. It was just so that she could let Santa know some ideas of things that would make us happy. Fast forward 20 years and voila! Still using color pens to circle items that would make me happy in catlaogues, knowing that I'm not really going to get them, but enjoying the process all the same.

Earth Hour was on saturday night. Did you all participate? I spammed my bbmsgr friends that live in Newfoundland when the time hit, threatening them if they didn't turn off their house lights I would write unfriendly things about them in my blog today. It musta been more effective a coersion than I would've thought, because everyone went along with it. It's not as if I had anything else to threaten the St John's townies with! Hehe. I think Earth Hour is becoming more popular every year, but they still need to work on their marketing campaign. I was impressed to see the posters in Tim Horton's and in the mall. However, everyone still didn't know what was going on so that tells me something is still missing in the equation. I saw alot of lights on when I looked down the street.

Hope everyone has a fantastic week! If we are all lucky, we will get the opportunity to eat a Cadbury Cream Egg guilt free! Mmmmm, sweet chocolately gooey heaven.
we used to do the same thing with the wishbook! that thing comes out earlier and earlier every year
ReplyDeleteHi Leslie...I chuckled when I read about your Mom giving you markers to highlight things you might want to get for Xmas. That was a tradition in our house when we were kids(a long time ago). We would anxiously await the Sears Wish Book every year & as we did not have highliters back then, we would make lists. We knew that eventually we had to dwindle the list down to one item before it was sent to Santa. This will make you gasp - that one item could not cost more than $5.00. My older sisters would always get mad with me as my birthday is Xmas Eve therefore I was allowed to pick out a second item - couldn't cost more than $3.00. I am so glad your Mom passed the tradition on to you guys. I think it is awesome that you still do this on occasion.....Aunt Gerry