My original plan this morning was to randomly blog-on about my love for green tea, until I saw this headline: Michael Jackson's Doctor Faces License Suspension bringing on my immediate reaction of WTF?!
I admit, I may not know alot of things and in fact the things I think I know, I may barely understand the facts. However, I'm quite certain if my doctor were facing manslaughter charges I would sure as sugar not want him treating me. I know, I'm a heck of a lot cuter than Michael Jackson but I just don't have MJ's money and fame backing me up. Actually, not only manslaughter charges but I think any sort of charge that involves harming another human being would be a moral issue. Don't these doctors take the hippocratic oath anymore? Why is he still practicing medicine?
I know... innocent until proven guilty, hence the suspension, but I'm pretty sure the powers that be in the medical world down there should've been a little bit more on the ball with this.
As for green tea well, it's my cureall. Sore throat? Green tea. Coughing? Green tea. Upset stomach? Green tea. Headache? Green tea. Tired and lacking energy? Green tea. Now, I should clarify that I'm referring to steaming hot green tea, not iced. One less-known fact is that, unlike regular orange pekoe tea (aka Tetley, Red Rose, PG Tips etc) which requires boiling water, Green Tea only requires the water to be 80degrees. This is great for weak-mouths like me. Although, if you're "fund-efficient" (which sounds an awful lot like 'fund-deficient' if you say it out loud) like me, and just have a regular kettle without fancy temperature settings, boiling water is just fine. Anyone who tells you otherwise is a yuppy.
So, my suggestion is, the next time you are at the grocery store and walking down the coffee aisle for yo
ur regular fillup of java beans, grab a thinger of Tetley Green Tea. I find it's the more mellow of the available options. If you want to be a real keener, have some honey in your cupboard. This way, should the tea become too strong (or be, in fact, a bitter green tea, which I have stumbled across before) feel free to stir in a dab of honey for some hot liquid bliss. If you're feeling really adventurous you could go with a flavoured green tea. I highly recommend either Pomegranate or Blueberry.

In closing, John Montgomery (Canadian Gold Medal Winner for all you non-olympic fever sufferers) was on The Hour last night and he said the following quote which I thought was fabulous:
In Canada, we don't compete to conquer, like other countries, we compete to achieve something. - John Montgomery
I still reaaaalllyyy wish I liked tea. Perhaps I need to keep trying it.
ReplyDeletei'm with jess... I read about your love of tea and really wished i liked it.
ReplyDeleteMaybe you should let me try and make you a cup? I might be able to convince you.... hehe
ReplyDeleteEwwwww green tea...but you know my thoughts on