Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows

I have a confession....... I love sunshine. Now, I know you'll scoff and think to yourself "everyone loves sunshine", but I can tell you....... not the way I do. Next time you plug something into charge, such as a laptop or cell phone, look at the battery indicator. First it's on low, then as it charges the bar moves until finally it's filled up. Well, putting me in sunshine has the same effect. I'm not sure exactly what it recharges.... positivity perhaps. Yet, once I'm in the sun (or even looking out the window at it) I can feel myself filling up inside and I'm happy.

I'm going to tell you a bit about my friend Jess Buckle, because I've had her on my mind lately. I don't get to see her often (entirely my own fault), and maybe I take her friendship for granted that way, but I love her like a sister. She's the most talented girl I know. I can say I'm lucky enough that before she moved to St. John's, when she was just realizing how much she truly loves photography, I had the fun privledge of going on photo excursions with her. I love taking pictures, don't get me wrong but this girl rocks the socks off of a hippo. Seriously. And she's beautiful. Everything about her is so pretty, and she's so much cooler than I am. Haha!

Well, Bear is snoring because he is unwilling to face the fact that the day has started. Soon enough I will put on my white winter hat full of holes (that I refuse to give up), scarf, warm jacket and mitts, and take these wild animals out to the truck. From there, we'll go for a walk in the woods and I'll watch Remy learn to explore the world with her nose.

P.S. Yay for U.S. Health Care Reform!

1 comment:

  1. Oh shucks, Leslie! You have always been the big sister I never had. Can't wait to see you again! <3
